Cinnamon NO3

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Cinnamon is a versatile spice which is used worldwide as an aromatic condiment and a flavoring additive in the culinary art, in making fragrances and as a powerful medicine which is packed with healing properties.

Produced from the inner bark of trees scientifically known as Cinnamomum, Cinnamon is categorized to two main types,

Cassia vs Cinnamon

‘Ceylon Cinnamon’ referred to as “sweet cinnamon” and “true cinnamon” is considered superior to the variety known as Cassia. Cinnamon is tan-brown in color and contains many tight sticks with soft layers.

Cassia is variety originates from china, and elsewhere in Southeast Asia, primarily Chinese cinnamon (C. cassia), Vietnamese or Saigon cinnamon (C. loureirii) and Indonesian cinnamon (C. burmannii). Cassia tends to be a dark brown-red color with thicker sticks and a rougher texture than Ceylon cinnamon.

Cinnamon Production

Cinnamon is produced by cutting the stems of cinnamon trees. The inner bark is then extracted and the woody parts are removed. When they dry, they form into strips which curl into rolls, called cinnamon sticks. These sticks could then be ground to make cinnamon powder.

Health Benefits

A herb that is valued for its medicinal properties for more than 1000 years, Cinnamon has today scientifically proven to be beneficial in many health conditions.

Rich in Antioxidants

Cinnamon is loaded with powerful antioxidants such as polyphenols which inhibit oxidation, a process in which free radicals are produced that can damage the cells of organisms.

Rich in Anti-inflammatory properties

While inflammation is a key component in fighting threatening invaders in your body, it can create chronic diseases in the absence of an infecting bacteria or a virus by directing inflammation toward your tissues. Cinnamon’s antioxidants have potent anti-inflammatory properties which will reduce the risk of disease.

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Studies have shown that a cinnamon dose of just 120mg per day can reduce the total level of bad “LDL” cholesterol and triglycerides while good “HDL” cholesterol remains stable.

Lowers the blood sugar levels

Cinnamon has been identified to reduce the release of glucose into your bloodstream after a meal and is enriched with components which imitate insulin improving glucose uptake of the cells.

Protection against cancer

Cinnamon has been studied for its action against the growth of cancer cells and the formation of blood vessels in tumors.

Reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases

Neurodegenerative disease is a condition in which the brain cell structure/function is reduced over a period of time. Ceylon cinnamon. Two compounds found in cinnamon appear to inhibit the buildup of a protein called tau in the brain, which is one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease
